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Yoga Nidra

Level 1, 2 & 3

Yoga Nidra is a very simple practice that is accessible to everyone. It is a practice that offers deep rest, releases tension, improves the quality of sleep and reduces anxiety.  

We highly recommend these courses to yoga teachers, as a powerful adjunct to yoga postures and pranayama, as well as any wellness professional or person who wishes to help people relax and release stress.

Course Structure

Our Yoga Nidra Teacher Training courses run over three weekend intensives and cover all aspects of the Yoga Nidra technique of guided relaxation from Level 1 through to Level 3.

2021 Dates


Weekend Course Times

Saturday: 11am - 6.30pm

Sunday: 11am - 6.30pm


$450 per level teacher training.

All weekend training's are held out of Yoga Ground Studio in Grey Lynn, Auckland. 

*Yoga Alliance Continued Education Registered Courses

Course Content 


  • Exploring in detail the systematic unfolding of deep, relaxed awareness.

  • Identifying and learning the different elements of the astral body known as koshas. 

  • Understanding the distinct levels of consciousness as guided through the technique.

  • Learning how to comfortably guide people in to and out of the practice.

  • Understanding the effect that each stage of the sequence has upon the physical, mental and emotional bodies.


  • Exploring in detail the Anandamayakosha (Bliss Body) and the affect that symbology has upon it.

  • Learning how to create a Yoga Nidra 'story'. 

  • Understanding the importance of symbology and it's affect on the subconscious mind.

  • Understanding and applying chakra knowledge within the Yoga Nidra context.

  • Learning how to create and apply Sankalpa or 'right intent' for personal transformation and healing.

  • Practical experience of creating and delivering a Yoga Nidra relaxation.


  • Exploring the therapeutic application of Yoga Nidra, including customising and developing a Yoga Nidra practice for specific conditions.

  • Understanding applying chakra knowledge for different outcomes. 

  • Assignment case study: designing a Yoga Nidra for a specific person/condition.

  • Transmitting an experience – not just delivering a set of words.  Deeper understanding of the language classically used in yoga nidra to transmit and invoke.

  • Using the prescribed pattern of Yoga Nidra teaching as the gateway through to transmission.

  • The balance between preparing a Yoga Nidra and following the intuition at the time of teaching.

  • Understanding the akashas in more depth and how to apply them.

  • Deeper exploration of symbology and what should and should not be invoked within a Yoga Nidra.

  • Professional client relationship and how, when, and why to keep client records.

All course material is presented in workbooks for you to keep and make notes in. Extra text books are beneficial but not compulsory and are available for purchase through Ashram Yoga. 

Skills Gained


  • Formulate the correct sequence of stages within the Yoga Nidra technique.

  • Deliver a basic Yoga Nidra experience for overall health, wellness and therapeutic benefits.

  • Understand how to apply the Yoga Nidra practice for optimum effect – for yourself and in yoga classes.

  • Understand the physiological and psychological effects of practicing Yoga Nidra: how it affects our body, energy, mind and emotions.


  • Know and understand each stage within the Yoga Nidra practice - what it does, why we use it and which technique to use within each stage.

  • Understand how using the chakras within a Yoga Nidra context can depeen both the affects and the experience.

  • Create and deliver a Yoga Nidra 'story'.

  • Understand how to apply the Yoga Nidra practice for optimum effect – for yourself, in yoga classes and other therapeutic settings.

  • Understand the physiological and psychological effects of practicing Yoga Nidra: how it affects our body, energy, mind and emotions.


  • Know and understand the deeper aspects within the Yoga Nidra practice and how and when to use them effectively

  • Understand how using the chakras within a Yoga Nidra context can depeen both the affects and the experience.

  • Understand how to apply the Yoga Nidra practice for specific therapeutic application.

  • Understand the psychological effects of symbology within Yoga Nidra: how it affects our body, energy, mind and emotions.

Course Instructors

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Atma Okan

Atma Okan (pictured right) is the Managing Director of Ashram Yoga, having been involved since Ashram Yoga’s inception. She manages and lives adjacent to Ohui Retreat with her young family. Atma is highly regarded by students and teachers for her lifetime's dedication to the yogic path. Her long experience of practising and teaching yoga, combined with her understanding disposition make her a wonderful teacher and support. 

Devananda Gleitman

Devananda or 'Dee' (pictured left) is a Director and Senior Instructor at Ashram Yoga. Having studied with, taught and trained for Ashram Yoga for over a decade she whole-heartedly brings focus to Ashram Yoga course development, teacher and trainee support and connection. Dee is known for her abundance of infectious energy, good humour and appreciated for making yogic principles relevant and achievable in daily life. 

Additionally, other teachers are involved on trainings to deliver specialty topics and offer their wealth of experience and perspectives. ​

Check out more info about our teachers here!

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